
3/18 熊本ライブの帰りにパンク Kumamoto Punk!!

Harrow! 昨日は熊本のライブの帰りにパンクがあった。(T_T)  先週新しい車買ったのに。
Got a nasty puncture on the way back from a gig in Kumamoto. Just bought the car last week.

先週の行橋と中津ライブは。。。。。。。。。。なんか。。。あんまりいいことは言えないから忘れましょう。田舎ってかんじだった。熊本はよかったけど!ちゃんとできたライブハウスだから音は大事にしてる!!SPANK PAGEという横浜のバンドはとてもかっこ良かった。また来ますので見に来て下さいね

Last week the gigs in Yukuhashi and Nakatsu were just shit to be honest. We were embarrassed to ask our friends to come to either of them as the quality of sound and other bands was unbelievably bad. Enough about that. The gig in Kumamoto yesterday was a lot of fun though and we look forward to playing there again. Spank page from Yokohama who we played with were also excellent.

Manabu & Dai


Yukuhashi/Nagasaki Gigs 行橋/中津のライブ

This weekend we are pleased to be finally playing at home. I cannot handle long trips with those smelly bastards any longer (actually Manabu isn't smelly). Did you know Eoin doesn't use soap!?

In case you have forgotten who we are, we're Nanbanjin and we are the best band in Japan, hah. If you want a ticket mail either nanbanmusic@hotmail.com or nanbanjin@docomo.ne.jp (on the day) - 1000円 I believe and 1200円 on the day. Cheap

- 前売り1000円で当日1200円 やすーっ

ダい Dai


サンキュー佐賀! / Thank you Saga!


日曜日に主催者から聞いたのはhabitat for humanityのために8万円以上はイベントのお陰で集められました。参加が出来て良かったです。

We all had a great time in Saga on saturday night. Id like to say it was a memorable night but in truth I remember very little past about 10pm! Thanks especially to Marianne for putting the three of us up for the night.
Apparently the event raised over 80,000 yen for Habitat for Humanity - who new that getting trashed could be such a noble thing!



Best Gaijin Band in Japan!! / 外人バンド大会優勝

Nanbanjin has been voted Joint Best Gaijin (Foreign) Band in Japan! Hooray!! Or at least thats what they told us; there doesnt seem to be any actual mention of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. in the article which you can see here.

One can only assume that us being listed 2nd is simply a result of "N" coming after "E" in the alphabet : )




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Afronaut Podcast / アフロノート・ポッドキャスト

The Afronaut team has been busy again, and this time they've come up with a podcast featuring some of the hippest new music around in Japan at the moment. It features one Nanbanjin song, and you can check it out here.

