
サミー Freezing (T_T)

寒いなぁ!!ブロッグへようこそ!南蛮人の中で僕の日本語は一番へたくそけどブロッグで頑張る!最近頭が痛い。J-POP+クリスマス=痛み 薬飲んだらよくなるけど(豚骨スープが一番効果的)
どこか行きたいな!東京にあるマザーコートのカウントダウンライブに行くけど。楽しみ!南蛮人のライブも楽しみにしてな!びっくりさせて欲しい。来てな (^_-) 疲れた!

It's freezing bloody cold here. Japanese pop has to be the most annoying forms of music. Its like happy hardcore but slowed down. Sugar coated sugar with nothing inside. What are we ugly bands supposed to do?
Reinventing the live show at the moment with a view to surprising(?) our audiences. In a good way of course. We are going for an apopexly approach. Be warned.

Dai x